Donate to Fringe!

By Fringe Theater (other events)

Fri, Oct 23 2020 8:00 AM EDT Thu, Sep 30 2021 12:00 PM EDT

Your tax deductible donation support is particularly crucial to our Fringe Mission this season. We are deciated to creating unique opportunities for people to see and do theater ... safely! This means smaller houses in larger venues.  This means choosing plays that minimize risk to our actors and technicians. This means looking for new and inventive ways to reach our audience and to create meaningful outreach and educational programs. This season, more than any other, we will rely on donors and patrons who understsand the value of nurturing actors, playwrights, directors, and technicians. Who believe in providing opportunities to see new works and classics presented in a new way. Who want to be a part of community-focused theater family. This season, more than any other, we will rely on you! If you'd like to give to Fringe Theater, you can donate through this ticketing site. If you'd prefer to skip the credit card fees, you can drop us a check. Our snail mail is PO Box 5737, Key West FL 33045. However you choose to give, you can rest assured that your dollars will be used to support Key West's performing arts community.


Fringe Theater is a 501c3. Your donation can be deducted to the full extent allowed by law. Please check with your tax advisor for details. 

Mailing Address

PO Box 5737 Key West FL 33045